We believe that it goes without saying that the work we do in the Process sector transfers incredibly well across to the general industrial and manufacturing arenas.
This has resulted in Addison delivering work for clients that you might not normally associate us with, and there are some quite unusual ones on that list. What they all have in common though, is that they all require the same level of detail and ingenuity that we deliver elsewhere.
In this sector, we focus mainly on Civil, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical requirements, together with Construction support. We find that lessons learnt elsewhere in environments that are often considered higher risk, give us a fresh approach that clients find useful overcoming complexities that might otherwise stop a project developing.
Varied examples include our work at Portsmouth Naval Base that you can find in our case studies Naval HV Electrical Infrastructure, detailed design packages for a Power Plant at a Paper Mill in Wales, and upgrades to the Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach.

Whilst these are large scale, on numerous occasions, we’ve supported clients with small pieces of work, drawing upgrades, structural and mechanical site surveys, developing various technical packages and assisting with commercial elements. All of this work is bespoke and depends entirely on the client needs at the time.