Let Addison carry out an independent survey of your operations to find alternative ways of reducing your energy cost and consumption. We are confident we can highlight further potential energy and services savings to directly benefit your budget or business. One case study managed by our specialist energy consultant resulted in more than halving the consumption of energy and water over a five-year period.
We are constantly involved in energy efficient solutions and improvements for our projects and our technical teams have a lot of practical experience, particularly on squeezing existing assets. We can offer expertise across the spectrum, including assessment of energy consumption, steam, water, compressed air, nitrogen and gas usages and emissions.
Our energy consultant is a nationally recognised expert in energy and environmental management and is a moderator for the Energy Institute and the National Energy Foundation.
Our process and control and electrical and machinery engineers, in particular, can identify where there are still opportunities for further savings on your energy or service consumption. Where the realisation requires hardware and software costs we can provide estimates, designs, construction and the commissioning of resource and support if required.